Celebrating International P&O Day 2024

A message from our CEO Carson Harte:

Reflecting on International day of Prosthetics and Prosthetics we concentrate on the enormous asset we have created at Exceed.

Expert personnel.

Investing in a young person and giving them solid clinical skills equips them to apply biomechanics, tissue mechanics, psychology and solid hand skills. Prosthetist Orthotists and PO Technicians are the most critical part of this health care pathway. Without knowledgeable and dedicated professionals, nothing works. Apple and Microsoft discovered that good software creates solutions. Such is it for PO. Our people ARE our software. They have to be compassionate, professional, efficient and - above all else - 'user friendly'.

And they are!

As I watch my young colleagues as they interact with clients young and old. I see the outworking of international training standards, hard fought for and hard won. We have a great operating system. So lets put this international day into our diary every year, and use it as a moment to recognise and celebrate our profession and the impact it makes in the world.